Extending its commitment to provide customers their choice of platform for running network services, Novell now adds Microsoft Windows Server 2003 to its list of supported platforms for eDirectory, the company's market-leading, high-end directory service. Now Windows Server 2003 customers have the option of running a standards-based, multi-platform directory in place of, or as a complement to, Microsoft's special-purpose, single-platform Active Directory.
"Novell eDirectory is the foundation for the world's largest identity management deployments - in large part because it doesn't force customers down a single deployment path," said Ted Haeger, director of product management for the Novell eDirectory product line. "With today's dynamic networks resulting from worldwide offices, mergers and acquisitions and the integration of legacy applications, having a directory that operates across all the major platforms makes it much easier for customers to manage the identities of users, services and devices scattered across their organizations."
Along with additional platform support, eDirectory now includes advanced password policy enforcement, allowing customers to boost security by enforcing the use of strong passwords and password changes. Customers can also install all of the eDirectory server components using a UNIX-based package installer, which simplifies the installation on Linux and UNIX platforms.
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 can be purchased for MSRP $2 per user - with significant discounts for qualifying customers - through Novell and its partners. The product is also bundled with many Novell and third-party products. For more information, go to http://www.novell.com/edirectory.
Novell, Inc. (Nasdaq: NOVL) delivers Software for the Open Enterprise™. With more than 50,000 customers in 43 countries, Novell helps customers manage, simplify, secure and integrate their technology environments by leveraging best-of-breed, open standards-based software. With over 20 years of experience, more than 5,000 employees, 5,000 partners and support centers around the world, Novell helps customers gain control over their IT operating environment while reducing cost. More information about Novell can be found at http://www.novell.com.
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