Novell Launches Validated Configuration Program for the Data Center


  • Unique program speeds deployment of complex Linux solutions at the heart of the enterprise

21 March 2005

Novell today unveiled a new program to further reduce the risk of deploying complex Linux solutions in data center environments. The Novell® Validated Configuration Program focuses on defining and certifying multi-application, integrated application and platform stacks on Linux. Moving beyond current industry certification programs, the Novell Validated Configuration Program addresses an integrated stack when multiple components must work together in a customer environment. As a result, customers can smooth deployment of complex, mission critical Linux-based applications.

“With support from key hardware and software partners, Novell will develop, test and validate multiple configurations for different enterprise needs in security, systems management and more,” said David Patrick, vice president and general manager of Linux, Open Source Platforms and Services for Novell. “This is another step in Novell's strategy to increase adoption and acceptance of Linux at the heart of the enterprise.”

The Novell Validated Configuration Program develops fully tested, fully integrated configurations that address enterprise business problems. Each of these configurations will provide Novell customers with all of the technical and business details necessary to model and accelerate Linux-based solution deployments. Expanding Novell's recently announced data center strategy, the Novell Validated Configuration Program focuses on several critical business areas, including security, high availability, virtualization, systems management and monitoring, and application hosting. The program will also support high performance computing architectures for large scale transaction processing environments.

“HP and Novell have been long-time partners in delivering Linux solutions and open source expertise to help customers mitigate business risk, maximize return on investment and improve performance," said Efrain Rovira, worldwide director of Linux marketing at HP. “The new Novell Validated Configuration Program is another example that will help HP customers better integrate and manage their IT resources.”

About Novell

Novell, Inc. (Nasdaq: NOVL) is a leading provider of infrastructure software and services to over 50,000 customers in 43 countries. With more than 20 years of experience in data center, workgroup and desktop solutions, Novell's 6,000 employees, 5,000 partners and support centers around the world are meeting customer requirements for identity-driven computing and Linux solutions. By providing enterprise-class software and support for commercial and open source software, Novell delivers increased operating flexibility and choice at a lower total cost of ownership. More information about Novell can be found at

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