3. The File Browser : Update: Keeping Your Workspace Current : The Update Progress Box

The Update Progress Box
The Update command displays the command's progress in a pop-up window. This window displays the filenames being processed one-at-a-time or in a scrolling text pane, depending on the setting of the Show Progress Log user preference.
You can use the following command buttons in the progress box:
View Full Log
(enabled after command completes) Display the entire Update log in a separate text-editor window.
Save Log As
(enabled after command completes) Create a text file containing the entire Update log.
Run in Background
Close the progress box, but continue command execution. You can proceed to perform other work in the AccuRev GUI window. A progress indicator appears in the lower right corner of the GUI window.
The indicator disappears when the command completes. If an error occurs during command execution, the progress indicator changes to a flashing red error indicator:
Click on the indicator to restore the progress box. The update log will include a description of the error.
Cancel (while command is in progress)
Close (after command completes)
Close the progress box. If the Update command is still executing, cancel it.
When Update does not Work
Sometimes AccuRev is not able to complete an Update operation, typically because a file cannot be overwritten due to permissions, or because it is open in another application. In this case, you will see an "Update Failed" warning. Use the View Log File button on this dialog to display the details of the failure, which should allow you to troubleshoot and correct the issue.
More on Update ...
For a more detailed description of how Update does its work, see The Update Algorithm in AccuRev Technical Notes.

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