2. AccuRev® Command-Line Reference : issuelist

list the change packages in a stream
accurev issuelist [ -s <stream> | -p <depot> ] [ -a ] [ -i ]
[ -I <issue-number> [ -d ] [ -3 ] ] [ -t <time-spec> ] [ -fx ]
The issuelist command displays a list of issue numbers: for the issues whose change packages are partially or completely “in” a particular stream, snapshot, or workspace. (For simplicity, we just say “stream” below.)
Include an issue even if none of its change package’s head versions is active in the stream. By default, issues with such “old” change packages are excluded from the listing.
Display information about the issue specified by the -I option, even if it is not in a change package for the specified stream or any stream in the specified depot.
(“incomplete”) List issue records whose change packages are “partially in” the stream. By default, issue records whose change packages are “completely in” the stream are listed.
-I <issue-number>
Restrict the listing to the specified issue record. No error occurs if that issue record’s change package would not be listed; the command output is empty.
Specifies that the <issue-number> specified by the -I switch is a third-party ITS key rather than an AccuWork issue number.
-p <depot-name>
The depot to be processed. Returns all the issue record numbers for all the change packages for all the streams in the depot.
-s <stream>
The stream, snapshot, or workspace to be processed. Default: the workspace containing the current working directory.
-t <time-spec>
Display the issues that existed as of the specified time. A time-spec can be any of the following:
Time in <"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS"> format, "2007/08/07 20:27:15", for example. Note that you must use quotes when specifying time-spec as YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS to ensure that the entire argument is interpreted by the command shell as a single token.
Display the results in XML format. The results include the field-by-field contents of each of issue record, not just the issue number.
List the issues whose change packages are completely in workspace brass_dvt_mary, including those with no version active in that workspace.
> accurev issuelist -s brass_dvt_mary -a
Issue: 1
Issue: 4
Issue: 5
Issue: 17
See Also
cpkadd, cpkdepend, cpkdescribe, cpkremove, issuediff, patch

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