2. AccuRev® Command-Line Reference : verinfo

display version info of unarchived elements
verinfo [-n <count>] [-fx] <depot-name>
The verinfo command displays the version information of unarchived elements in a depot, sorted by size.
Note: The size is the sum of all unarchived versions of the element kept and does not represent the size of the individual file. In addition, elements on Windows machines have the CR (Carriage Return) stripped from LR (Line Return)/CR and may actually be smaller than the actual file.
Display the results in XML format.
-n <count>
Display the first <count> elements.
Display the names of all unarchived elements in a depot:
> accurev verinfo depot512
Display the top 10 names of all unarchived elements in a depot:
> accurev verinfo depot512 -n 10
Display the names of all unarchived elements in a depot in XML format:
> accurev verinfo -fx depot512

Micro Focus