Results Pane

The Results pane displays the issues returned by the query. You can perform the following actions from the Results pane.

GUID-CDBE538F-4E52-4942-81E8-1B91EC817383-low.png Set Table Size
Allows you to specify the number of issues you want to display on a single page in the Results pane. If the number of issues returned by the query exceeds the number you specify, additional pages are added to the Results pane.
GUID-08D7D019-5AFE-4FB7-AAA5-2D4F75BF5132-low.png Bulk Update
Changes field values for the selected issues. See Bulk Update for more information.
GUID-6F9734FF-5C01-4DB2-AD91-E1DDEE046217-low.png Sum Columns
Returns the number of issues selected, as well as the sums of all Text fields with numeric-only data and the sums of all Timespan fields. See Sum Columns for more information.
GUID-0831F8A9-8FEE-41C8-86AA-BBE379B33425-low.png Calculate Columns
Allows you to perform basic mathematical operations (add and subtract, for example) on any two columns with numeric values. A new column is created to display the results. See Calculate Columns for more information.
GUID-9BB5C3C1-0792-4472-A9B5-1B48F27F875D-low.png Show Percentages
Displays percentage information for columns that contain numeric data. See Show Percentages for more information.
Group By
See Group Issues by Field.
Hide Search Query/Show Search Query
Toggles the visibility of the Query pane.