Release 2015.1

33546 - Files at top level directory not exported to Git if name starts with a period

In previous releases, when using GitCentric with AccuRev 6.1, files at the top level directory of a stream were not exported to Git if their name started with a period (.). This problem has been corrected in the current GitCentric release.

34353, 34786 - GitCentric displays unpack error when pushing with Git 1.8.4 and later

In previous releases, if you were using Git and later with Gerrit Code Review 2.6 and later, pushes would fail when the client pushed a reference to an object but not the object itself, as when you push an amended commit without changing the object, for example. In this case you might see an error like the following:

error: unpack failed: error Missing tree <SHA>

fatal: Unpack error, check server log

This problem has been corrected in the current release by setting the gerrit.config file parameter

receive.checkRefencedObjectsAreReachable = false by default.

35018 (1095884)- Pushing ignored files results in a protocol error

In previous releases, GitCentric displayed the following error if you were pushing to a branch that was mapped to an AccuRev stream that contained a .acignore file and one or more of the files being pushed was being ignored by a rule defined in the .acignore file:

fatal: protocol error: bad line length 2291

This problem has been corrected in the current release, and ignored files no longer result in an error when they are pushed.

35326 - "Transaction Too High" error on export behavior corrected

In previous releases, when export triggers fired out of order, the error Transaction Too High would appear in the GitCentric GUI and in the kandoBridge.log, sometimes logging at the ERROR level. This behavior, however, is not an error, and the message has been changed to the following in the current release: ignoring transaction already processed.

35437 - GitCentric installer does not handle invalid DB Admin passwords

In previous releases, the GitCentric installer did not properly handle invalid DB Admin passwords, requiring the user to quit and restart the installer in order to enter the correct password. This problem has been corrected in the current release, and the installer now allows you to reenter the DB Admin password using the installer’s Back button, avoiding the need to quit the installer.

35626 - Changing the GitCentric server host name causes pushes to fail

In the previous release, changing the GitCentric server host name caused subsequent pushes to fail because existing workspaces were not recognized on the new host. This problem has been corrected in the current release.

36069 (1095727) - Support for GitCentric and AccuRev Servers on different hosts

In previous releases, specifying any value other than localhost for the GitCentric bridge host name in gerrit.config caused pushes to fail. This problem has been corrected in the current release, and you should now specify the machine name or IP address of the GitCentric bridge host.

36260 - New: SSH command allows you to delete repositories

A new SSH command, gitcentric delete-repo, allows you to delete repositories. In addition to deleting the repository, this command also deletes GitCentric database records related to the repository and configuration information like AccuRev Server settings and branch-stream mappings.

36559 (1096247)- New: improvements to backup and restore

GitCentric 2015.1 introduces two new commands to perform backup and restore operations: and These new commands address difficulties some users experienced using GitCentric’s backupdbs and restoredbs commands run using kandoMaintain, especially when using them to migrate GitCentric from one server to another. Among the improvements provided by and

  • backs up all repositories, databases, and configuration files needed to successfully migrate GitCentric from one machine to another. In the previous release, the .tar file created by the backupdbs command omitted Git repositories, Gerrit configuration files, and the database connection configuration file.
  • On restoring GitCentric, you no longer have to manually copy the AllProjects.git file to the new server.

In addition, changes were made to both the rmdb and restoredbs commands, which now properly drop both databases required to restore GitCentric..

We recommend that you use and to backup and restore GitCentric. See Appendix B. Backup and Restore in the GitCentric User’s Help for more information.