Installing the AccuRev Plug-In for IntelliJ IDEA

AccuRev Plug-In for IntelliJ IDEA can be downloaded from the Market Place or from SupportLine.

  1. Downloading and installing the AccuRev Plug-In for IntelliJ IDEA from the Market Place:
    1. Launch IntelliJ IDEA, navigate to File > Settings and select Plugins.
    2. Search for AccuRev plugin (including repositories)
    3. Select and Install the plugin.
    4. Restart IntelliJ IDEA .
  2. Downloading and installing the plug-in from the SupportLine:
    1. Locate the .<PRODUCT><VERSION> directory on your system and create the following directory beneath it: \config\plugins\accurev\lib. This is under the user directory.
      • In Microsoft Windows (7, 8, 10): <SYSTEM DRIVE>\Users\<USER ACCOUNT NAME>\.<PRODUCT><VERSION>

      • In Linux: /home/<username>/.<PRODUCT><VERSION>.

      • In Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/<PRODUCT><VERSION>

      Note: Where PRODUCT = IntelliJIDEA (For Ultimate Version) or IdeaIC (For Community Version).
    2. Go to the Micro Focus SupportLine page:
    3. Locate and download the ZIP file for this product.
    4. Extract the contents of the ZIP file for this product to the ~\.<PRODUCT><VERSION>\config\plugins\accurev\lib directory.
    5. Restart IntelliJ IDEA .

For information about configuring the AccuRev Plug-In for IntelliJ IDEA, refer to the Getting Started chapter of the AccuRev Plug-In for IntelliJ IDEA User’s Guide.