Establishing Your Identity

All AccuRev commands must be executed by an AccuRev user. To use the AccuRev Plug-In for IntelliJ IDEA, you must establish your identity to AccuRev. AccuRev has two schemes for authenticating users:

  1. Using the traditional user-authentication scheme: AccuRev defaults to using your operating-system username as your AccuRev username. Your AccuRev password must be stored in the authn file in the .accurev subdirectory of your operating-system home directory. (On Microsoft Windows, this is %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%.)

    To customize this behavior, set either or both of the following environment variables before starting the IDE (Microsoft Windows users should set user-level, not system-level variables):

    • To use a different username, set ACCUREV_PRINCIPAL to that username.
    • To place your .accurev directory elsewhere, set ACCUREV_HOME to the new location.
  2. Using the accurev_login user-authentication scheme, you must perform an explicit login at the AccuRev level. You can do this before starting IntelliJ IDEA . When you create a workspace in the IDE, you are prompted to log in if you aren’t already logged in. When working within an IDE project, you can use the AccuRev > Login command to log in. It’s available on context menus in the Project tool subwindow or under VCS on the main menu. In the Login dialog box, select an AccuRev Server, and enter a username/password pair. Then click Ok.