AccuRev History

Displays the transactions for the selected file or directory element in the Version Control tool window. AccuRev tracks the complete history of each version-controlled element (file, directory, or link). This history consists of the set of transactions involving that element. Most changes to a depot are logged by transactions.

This command is disabled if multiple elements are selected.

The top pane of the Version Control tool window (transactions pane) shows the transactions that this element was part of. If you select a transaction, a list of all elements involved in that transaction appears in the bottom pane (elements pane). The comment for the selected transaction is displayed separately in a comments pane to the right of the elements pane.

Typically, most of an element’s transactions are created by Keep and Promote commands, as shown in the Action column in the transactions pane. Transactions are also logged in several other situations, for example:

  • When an element is first added to an AccuRev depot (add).
  • When you rename it or move it to a different directory (move). This action occurs when you use the IDE to move or rename a file, for example in a refactoring operation.
  • When you incorporate someone else’s changes into your work (merge), and some others.

The toolbar at the top of the Version Control tool window contains navigation buttons to move among groups of transactions: first group, previous group, and next group, and a list that controls how many transactions are displayed at a time. Right click an item to perform actions.