General AccuSync Enhancements

39188 - Need the ability to specify GMT offset for the ClearQuest server

The “get system time” implementation for ClearQuest is incorrectly using the AccuSync server time. The AccuSync user now has the ability to specify the GMT of the server.

39190 - Limit the amount of issues searched during sync based on the last watermark in ClearQuest

With AccuSync 2016.1, there is a new watermark query condition to limit the amount of issues searched to find only issues / items that changed since last sync

39193 - For linked fields, such as linking stories to requirements, the field should support multiple values, separated by semicolons

For any field that is a mapping field between one type and another type, AccuSync now support semicolon separated values. If a user designates a field on a story as mapping it to requirements, the user has the ability to enter multiple ids, '1234;5618' for example, and it will then be linked to both of those issues.

39263 (1102433) - Support for JIRA 7

In this release, AccuSync has added support for JIRA 7.

39265 (1102436) - Suppress the password of AccuSync user in the logs

AccuSync now masks the password of the AccuSync user which was displayed in the AccuSync log files

39285 (1102461) - AccuSync leaves behind temporary XML files from synchronization

AccuSync 2015.2 RC2 (and later) are leaving behind temporary XML files in /tmp folder. This eventually fills the disk volume and causes operating system errors. The issue has been resolved in the current release.

39367 - Add support for Oracle as the back end database with HP

AccuSync 2016.1 now supports Oracle databases when integrating with HP.

39396 - Prevent duplicate issues with JIRA integration when moving from project based IDs to universal IDs

When changing IDs from “project-based” to “universal,” duplicate issues are created instead of updating the existing issue records. This has been resolved with this release.

39412 - AccuSync JIRA Plugin version (in pom) is incorrect

The JIRA Plugin that is installed in JIRA currently has a 2013.1 version. The current release is updated to reflect the new version.

39476 (1102981) - Request to support for JIRA “nfeed” field type

AccuSync 2016.1 now supports mapping the “nfeed” JIRA field type.

39646 (1103517) - JIRA query is returning all Issues vs the recent set when watermark is at maximum value

When running a sync pattern, AccuSync finds all JIRA issues instead of the most recent set of new or modified issues. This issue has been resolved in the current release.