8.1 Dashboard Permissions

The following table lists the permissions available for using the Dashboard:


Allows users to…

Access Dashboard

  • View dashboards owned by or shared with the user

  • Modify, delete, and export dashboards owned by the user

  • Create or clone dashboards

  • Import dashboards

  • Set a dashboard as a personal default dashboard

Share a Dashboard

  • Perform all actions associated with the Access Dashboard permission

  • With the Manage Role permission, share the current dashboard with any role

  • Without the Manage Role permission, share the current dashboard with any of the roles associated with the user’s role

If your environment includes Interset, users created with Dashboard permissions automatically receive the Default Tenant status in Interset. These users can view content in widgets that display data from Interset.

NOTE:Interset users that have the Administrative Tenant status only cannot view content in widgets that display data from Interset.