User’s Guide for Fusion 1.2 in the ArcSight Platform

  User’s Guide for Fusion 1.2 in the ArcSight Platform
    Welcome to Fusion in the ArcSight Platform
    Creating and Using Dashboards
      Viewing a Dashboard
        View Data in a Dashboard
        View a Different Dashboard
      Viewing Analyst and Entity Details
        Case Overview by Owner
        Review Entities
      Managing Dashboards and Content
        Change the Time Range of Data in a Dashboard
        Mark a Dashboard as a Favorite
        Specify a Default Dashboard
        Create or Clone a Dashboard
        Edit the Dashboard
        Import and Export a Dashboard
        Display a Dashboard on the SOC Screen
        Share a Dashboard
        Understand the Provided Dashboards
      Configuring Widgets
        Understand Widget Properties
        Understand the Provided Widgets
    Managing Users
      Manage Your Profile
      Managing Users and Groups of Users
        Import Users from ESM
        View Details of a Group
        Create a New Group
        Create a New User
        View a User’s Profile
      Assigning Permissions to Roles and Users
        Dashboard Permissions
        Default Roles for the Dashboard
        Create a Role with Permissions
        View Details of a Role
      Configuring User Preferences
        Configure Search Preferences
    Copyright Notice