3.1 Understanding the Types of Search Queries

Search supports the following types of search queries:


Searches across all columns using a ‘contains’ operation to determine if the value is found.






Searches based on the field and operator designation to determine if the value is found in the specified field.

Your search can reference fields with the Unified Schema to either retrieve the field in results, apply a filter criteria or create a user defined expression. The Unified Schema defines a consistent event model that can be used across all of ArcSight family of products.



  • <key> <operator> <value>

sourceAddress =

HASHTAG (predefined searches)

The Search feature includes several predefined queries out-of-the-box. In the query field, enter a hashtag then select the criteria that you want to use. In addition to these predefined searches, you can use the session searches and save searches in the input field using a hashtag prefix.

This predefined query...

Uses this search criteria...

#Configuration Changes

categoryBehavior = /Modify/Configuration AND categoryOutcome = /Success

#DGA Events

deviceCustomNumber1 >= 1 AND deviceCustomNumber1Label contains DNS

#DNS Events

deviceEventCategory = PACKET

#Failed Logins

Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND categoryOutcome != /Success

#Failed Logins for User $Username

Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND categoryOutcome != /Success for user <username>

#Firewall Drop

categoryDeviceGroup = /Firewall AND categoryObject starts with /Host/Application/Service AND (categoryBehavior starts with /Access OR categoryBehavior = /Communicate/Query) AND categoryOutcome = /Failure

#Firewall Drop for $Ip

categoryDeviceGroup = /Firewall AND categoryObject starts with /Host/Application/Service AND (categoryBehavior starts with /Access OR categoryBehavior = /Communicate/Query) AND categoryOutcome = /Failure for <IP_address>

#Firewall Events

categoryDeviceGroup = /Firewall

#Malicious Code Activity

categoryObject STARTS WITH /Vector, /Host/Infection, /Host/Application/Malware OR categoryObject = /Host/Application/DoS Client, /Host/Application/Backdoor OR categoryTechnique STARTS WITH /Code

#SSH Authentication

categoryBehavior = /Authentication/Verify AND destinationUserName != Null and contains ssh

#VPN Connections

categoryDeviceGroup = /VPN AND Category Behavior = /Authentication/Verify AND categoryOutcome = /Success AND destinationUserName != Null

#Windows Account Creation

deviceVendor = Microsoft AND deviceEventClassId = Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing:4720, Security:624