7.0 Understanding the Cloud Security Dashboards and Reports

Select Reports > Portal > Repository > Standard Content > Cloud.

Cloud services providers are highly accessible, and the vast amount of data that they host makes them an attractive target for malicious users. To help you assess the security of services in the cloud, we provide dashboards and reports based on the industry-wide standards set by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). This alliance has identified the most significant security threats to the shared, on-demand nature of cloud computing. CSA refers to these issues as the Treacherous 12.

Reporting includes the following dashboards and reports, organized by the Treacherous 12 categories:




Abuse and Nefarious Use of Cloud Services


Account Hijacking

Broken Authentication and Session Management

Advanced Persistent Threats

Trojans or Backdoors installed on EC2 Instances


Data Breaches


Data Loss

Amazon AWS Deletion Events

Denial of Service

DoS Activity


Insecure Interfaces and APIs


Vulnerabilities on Interfaces and API

Insufficient Due Diligence


Insufficient Identity Credential and Access Management


Malicious Insiders


Nefarious Activity by an Unauthorized Individual

System Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability Overview

Vulnerabilities on Shared Technologies


Vulnerabilities on Shared Technologies

The cloud-based security dashboards and reports provide a view of events occurring in Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Azure, forwarded to Recon from ArcSight ESM. Content in a dashboard depends on the widgets that it displays, as well as the dashboard’s specified time range. For example, some widgets summarize events by resource names and profile IDs, as well as by the event’s severity.