8.1 Entity Monitoring – Dashboards and Reports

Select Reports > Portal > Repository > Standard Content > Foundation.

To prevent brute force attacks or denial-of-service attacks, you could track login activities in your environment. A malicious user might attempt to guess another user’s password by repeatedly attempting to log in to the same account. You can track this behavior by observing failed login attempts. You might also watch for users who attempt to log in to multiple devices and hosts. Malicious users might also create, modify, and delete accounts to gain unauthorized access or let them execute harmful code.

To monitor account activity, use the following dashboards and reports:

Account Management Overview

Provides charts and a table to help you identify users who are creating and deleting the most accounts. You also can track which hosts have had the largest number of accounts modified or deleted.

All Logins by Hostname

Reports the number of login attempts over time, including the outcome, for the specified hosts.

You must specify one IP address.

Failed Logins Overview

Provides an overview, in charts and a table, of the hosts and users with the highest number of failed logins. You can also view the number of failed logins over time, by reporting device, or source address.

Failed Logins Summary

Reports the number of failed logins over time. The table includes the user, source address, target host, and number of failed attempts.

Login Activity by User

Reports the number of times that the specified users have attempted to log in to a host. The table indicates whether the attempt is successful.

You must specify one user by Destination UserName.

Successful Login Overview

Provides an overview, in charts and a table, of users with the highest number of successful logins. You can review the relationship between the users and the hosts to which they successfully log in.