9.8 Sensitive Data Exposure

Select Reports > Portal > Repository > Standard Content > OWASP > A 3 - Sensitive Data Exposure.

Most enterprises store sensitive data that needs to be protected, such as personal information, customer and organizational financial data, healthcare records, or intellectual property. Web applications and APIs might inadvertently expose sensitive data by not having enough protections such as encryption at rest or in transit, or when exchanging data with the browser. Malicious users could use the data for credit card fraud, identity theft, and other crimes.

To identify potential exposure of sensitive data, use the following dashboard and reports:

Information Leaks Overview

Provides charts and a table to help you identify the most reported systems, types of leaks, and leakage events that occur over time. You can identify the top reported users and view leaks by category.

Organizational Records Information Leaks

Lists the top leakage events that affect organizational records.

Personal Information Leaks

Lists the top leakage events that affect personal records by Destination UserName.