5.0 Installing ESM for Fusion and ESM on the Same Node

You can install ESM for Fusion on the same node as ESM, either manually or by using scripts.

  1. Install ESM.

    NOTE:Always install ESM before installing ESM for Fusion and CDF.

  2. Add the ESM https port in iptables using the following commands:

    1. To find your active zones, use the following command:

      firewall-cmd --get-active-zones

    2. To add the ESM port in iptables, use the following command:

      firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=port_number/tcp --permanent

      NOTE:This step enables you to access ESM externally (outside the firewall).

    3. To reload the firewall so that the changes are applied, use the following command:

      firewall-cmd --reload

  3. Install ESM for Fusion.

    For more information, see Section 7.0, Installing ESM for Fusion by Using Scripts and Section 8.0, Installing ESM for Fusion Manually.

    NOTE:While installing ESM for Fusion, specify a CDF API Server Port that does not use the same port as the ESM server (default 8443). For more information about ESM for Fusion ports, see the Technical Requirements for ArcSight Command Center for ESM.