3.3 Securing Communication Between Components

Determine the security mode (TLS/SSL) you want for establishing communication between the infrastructure components. The security mode must be the same across all components. Set up other Micro Focus components with the security mode you intend to use before connecting them.

NOTE:The secure communication described here applies only in the context of the components that relate to the Micro Focus container-based application you are using, which is specified in that application’s documentation.

Changing the security mode after the deployment requires system downtime. If you do need to change the security mode after deployment, refer to the appropriate Administrator's Guide for the relevant component.

The following table lists Micro Focus components, preparations needed for secure communication with components, security modes, and where to find more information about the component.


Preparations needed...

Supported security modes

ESM for Fusion to NFS Server

For optimal security, secure all NFS settings to allow only required hosts to connect to the NFS server.


Web browser to NGINX (proxy)

No action is required.


Enabling FIPS in Nginx: No user action is required to enable FIPS for Nginx. The Nginx docker container is FIPS enabled by default. The FIPS-enabled Nginx server accepts TLS 1.2 connections using FIPS-compliant Cipher Suites.