9.2 Deploying Fusion to an Existing Cluster

To deploy ESM for Fusion in an existing cluster, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the CDF Management Portal.

  2. Select Deployment > Deployments > > Change.

  3. On the Capabilities page, select the following options:

    • Fusion (if not selected already)

    • ArcSight Command Center

    • (Optional) ArcSight Layered Analytics

      NOTE:To use this capability, you must deploy both ArcSight Interset and ESM for Fusion in the same cluster.

  4. Click Next until you reach the Import Container Images page.

  5. Launch a terminal session, then log in to the master node as root or as a sudo user.

  6. Change to the following directory:

    cd /<fusion_download_directory>/installers/cdf-x.x.x-x.x.x.x/scripts/

    For example:

    cd /opt/esm-cmd-center-installer-for-fusion-x.x.x.x/installers/cdf-x.x.x-x.x.x.x/scripts/

  7. Upload required images to the local registry.

    When prompted for a password, use the admin user password for the CDF Management Portal:

    ./uploadimages.sh -d /<fusion_download_directory>/suite_images

    Repeat this step for the other selected capabilities.

  8. Switch to the CDF Management Portal.

  9. To ensure that the images have been uploaded, click CHECK AGAIN.

  10. Click Next until you reach the Configuration Complete page.

  11. After the Configuration Complete page displays all the pods in green, click Next.

  12. Continue to the post-installation steps.