20.2 Restarting Nodes Manually

Applies only if you installed ESM for Fusion manually.

  1. (Conditional) If the node contains CDF, perform the following steps:

    1. Log in as root to the node that you need to restart.

    2. Change to the following directory:

      cd <K8S_HOME>/bin/

      For example:

      cd /opt/arcsight/kubernetes/bin/

    3. Stop the kubernetes services by using the following command:


    4. Unmount Kubernetes volumes by using the following command:


  2. Restart the node using the following command:


  3. (Conditional) If restart fails, perform a hard reboot of the node.

  4. (Conditional) After the node restarts, perform the following steps if the node contains CDF:

    1. Log in as root to the node.

    2. Change to the following directory:

      cd <K8S_HOME>/bin/

      For example:

      cd /opt/arcsight/kubernetes/bin/

    3. Check whether all Kubernetes services are running:


    4. (Conditional) If any service is not running, start the service by using the command:
