4.3 Deciding to Use the Scripts or Manual Installation Method

To determine whether to use the installation scripts or perform a manual installation, review the following considerations:

  • The scripts install ESM for Fusion on the operating system with a default minimum installation. If you have any customizations on the operating system, we recommend that you perform the prerequisites manually and perform installation and post-installation configuration using scripts.

    NOTE:When installing ESM for Fusion on the same machine as the ESM Manager, the installation scripts require that the ESM is installed on the system before running the installation scripts.

  • The scripts install ESM for Fusion only on a singled-homed network (one that is connected with a single network link). If you have a dual-homed network (dual or redundant connections to a single Internet Service Provider), we recommend that you use the manual installation process.

  • The scripts automatically tune the system for a single-node deployment with a small workload.

  • The scripts install the cluster with a single master node and single worker node running on the same system. You can add worker nodes after the installation to scale and enable worker high availability.

  • If you use the scripts, you cannot configure high availability for the master node. If you want high availability for the master node, we recommend that you use the manual installation process.

  • The scripts disable the option to authorize Micro Focus to collect suite usage data.

  • The scripts create NFS shares on the system used by the containers in the cluster. They configure the firewall to disable remote access to this NFS server. If you plan to add additional nodes to the cluster, you must enable remote access to the NFS server in the firewall.

  • The scripts use the following paths by default:

    • To install Kubernetes: /opt/kubernetes

    • To create NFS shared directories: /opt/NFS_Volume/

  • If you must use proxy in your environment, you must use the manual installation process.