B.3 Checking the Log File of a Specific Pod/Container Using Kubernetes Dashboard

Issue: You want to check the log file of a specific pod/container using kubernetes dashboard.

Workaround: Perform the following steps to check the log file of a specific pod/container using Kubernetes dashboard:

  1. Open a new tab in a supported web browser.

  2. Specify the URL for the CDF Management Portal:


    Use the fully qualified domain name of the host that you specified in the Connection step during the CDF configuration. Usually, this is the master node’s FQDN.

  3. Log in to the CDF Management Portal with the credentials of the administrative user that you provided during installation.

  4. Click Cluster > Dashboard > Namespaces (select arcsight-installer-*) > Pods.

  5. Under Pods, click the pod for which you want to see the logs.

  6. Click View Logs.