Creating a Workspace in SQL Server

You create a workspace on the COBOL Analyzer server machine. Other users connect to the workspace from COBOL Analyzer client machines. The workspace repository resides on a database server, and can be accessed by any user with database privileges to the repository.

Note: Do not modify the name of the workspace after you create it. Doing so will cause unpredictable results.

The folder in which you plan to create workspaces must be shared with team members. It’s usually more convenient to share the folder before you create workspaces, but you can do it afterward if necessary, then refresh the workspace path.

It is the responsibility of the workspace creator to designate users for security policies. Perform this task as soon as you have finished creating the workspace, then periodically edit the list of users as required.

You can use Microsoft SQL Server Express to create a workspace on your local machine. COBOL Analyzer creates a database for the workspace "on the fly," with no intervention on your part. If you do use SQL Server Express, keep in mind that the Windows user who creates the workspace must have been configured with appropriate permissions in SQL Server Express. The user who installed SQL Server Express will always have the appropriate permissions. See the SQL Server Express documentation for configuration instructions.

Note: For Windows XP installations using the Italian locale, you must set the Time format in the Control Panel Regional Language Options to "HH:mm:ss" before attempting to verify an CA workspace with a SQL Server repository. Click Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Customize > Time and choose "HH:mm:ss" from the Time format drop-down.
  1. Choose Start > All Programs > Micro Focus > COBOL Analyzer > COBOL Analyzer Administration. The Administration window opens.
  2. Choose Administer > New Workspace. The Create new workspace dialog opens.
  3. In the Create new workspace dialog, double-click the New Workspace icon for the RDBMS in use at your site or select it and click OK. The New workspace dialog opens.
  4. In the New workspace dialog, choose the location for the workspace in the Save in drop-down. In the File name field, enter the name of the workspace. Choose a name that describes the legacy application as closely as possible. Click Save. The Define Connection Parameters dialog opens.
    Note: This dialog does not open for Microsoft SQL Server Express. The product starts creating the workspace immediately.
  5. In the Define Connection Parameters dialog, click the Connection tab. Define the connection:
    • In the Server field, enter the server name. The server name must be of the form <machine>\<SQL server>.
      Note: DNS issues can result in an SQL Server does not exist or access denied error. If you get this error, try replacing the machine name with the IP address.
    • In the Database Name field, enter the database name your DBA created for the workspace repository.
    • In the Integrated Security drop-down, select the integrated security provider interface in use at your site. Choose:
      • Windows Authentication if users connect to the workspace repository through a Windows user account.
      • Server Authentication if users connect to the workspace repository through an SQL Server login account.
    • If you chose Server Authentication, enter the database login name in the User Name field and the login password in the Password field.
      Note: The database user name and login name are typically, but not always, the same. If you have trouble connecting, it may be because you are specifying the database user name rather than the login name.
  6. In the Files access group box on the Security tab, select:
    • Direct sources access via Windows share if your site does not restrict Windows access to workspace source files to the master user.
    • Secure sources access via CA file server if your site restricts Windows access to workspace source files to the master user, while using the optional file server to make the source files available in the product to ordinary users. Make sure the values for the server name and port number fields are correct.
    Note: For File Server installation and setup instructions, see the installation guide for your product.
  7. Click OK.
    Note: If you created the workspace in a non-shared folder, you are warned to that effect and prompted to share the folder. After you share the folder, make sure to refresh the workspace path.
    You are notified that the workspace was created successfully. COBOL Analyzer creates a workspace file (.rwp) and a folder with the same name in the specified location. The workspace folder contains support files and subfolders for CA output. A project with the same name as the workspace is displayed in the Repository Browser.