The HSURDCPY table is used for the copybook/includes list and is populated during the Work with Copybook phase. The following table describes the columns in the HSURDCPY table:
Column | Type | Length | Decimal | Domain |
MCRECID | BINARY | 4 | 0 | machine/company ID |
CPYLIB | CHARACTER | 44 | 0 | copybook library |
CPYNAME | CHARACTER | 10 | 0 | copybook name |
IOAREANAME | CHARACTER | 30 | 0 | I/O area name |
IOAREAPRG | BINARY | 3 | 0 | I/O area progressive |
CPYTXT | CHARACTER | 50 | 0 | copybook text |
FLANAL | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | analysis flag |
FLBAD | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | bad copybook flag |
FLBADTYPE | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | type of anomaly |
LANGUAGE | CHARACTER | 3 | 0 | language |
FLMORE01 | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | flag more than one 01 level |
FLMOREPRG | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | flag more than one progressive |
ASSOCIATED | CHARACTER | 1 | 0 | I/O area associated |
RECLEN | BINARY | 5 | 0 | record length |
NUMFLD | BINARY | 5 | 0 | number of fields |
NUMFLDPCK | BINARY | 5 | 0 | number of packed fields |
NUMFLDBIN | BINARY | 5 | 0 | number of binary fields |