The HSSYTAB table is used for SYSTABLES views. The following table describes the columns in the HSSYSTAB table:

Column Type Length Decimal Domain
NAME VARCHAR 128 0 Name of the table, view, or alias
CREATOR VARCHAR 128 0 The schema of the table, view, or alias
TYPE CHAR 1 0 Type of object
DBNAME VARCHAR 24 0 For a table, or a view of tables, the name of the database that contains the table space named in TSNAME
TSNAME VARCHAR 24 0 For a table, or a view of one table, the name of the table space that contains the table
DBID SMALLINT 4 0 Internal identifier of the database
OBID SMALLINT 4 0 Internal identifier of the table
COLCOUNT SMALLINT 4 0 Number of columns in the table or view
EDPROC VARCHAR 24 0 Name of the edit procedure
VALPROC VARCHAR 24 0 Name of the validation procedure
NPAGES INTEGER 4 0 Total number of pages on which rows of the table appear
PCTPAGES SMALLINT 4 0 Percentage of active table space pages that contain rows of the table
REMARKS VARCHAR 762 0 A character string provided by the user with the COMMENT statement
PARENTS SMALLINT 4 0 Number of relationships in which the table is a dependent
CHILDREN SMALLINT 4 0 Number of relationships in which the table is a parent
KEYCOLUMNS SMALLINT 4 0 Number of columns in the primary key of the table
RECLENGTH SMALLINT 4 0 For user tables, the maximum length of any record in the table
STATUS CHAR 1 0 Indicates the status of the table definition
KEYOBID SMALLINT 4 0 Internal DB2 identifier of the index that enforces uniqueness of the primary key of the table
LABEL VARCHAR 90 0 The label as given by a LABEL statement; otherwise, the value is an empty string
CHECKFLAG CHAR 1 0 The table space that contains the table is in a check pending status
AUDITING CHAR 1 0 Value of the audit option
CREATEDBY VARCHAR 128 0 Primary authorization ID of the user who created the table, view, or alias
LOCATION VARCHAR 128 0 Location name of the object of an alias
TBCREATOR VARCHAR 128 0 name of the creator
TBNAME VARCHAR 128 0 the name of the base table
CREATEDTS TIMESTAMP 26 0 Time when the CREATE statement was executed for the table, view, or alias
ALTEREDTS TIMESTAMP 26 0 Time when the CREATE statement was executed for the table, view, or alias
DATACAPTURE CHAR 1 0 Records the value of the DATA CAPTURE option for a table
RBA1 CHAR 6 0 The log RBA when the table was created
RBA2 CHAR 6 0 The log RBA when the table was created
PCTROWCOMP SMALLINT 4 0 Percentage of rows compressed within the total number of active rows in the table
STATSTIME TIMESTAMP 26 0 RUNSTATS updated the statistics
CHECKS SMALLINT 4 0 Number of check constraints defined on the table
CARDF FLOAT 2 0 Total number of rows in the table or total number of LOBs in an auxiliary table
CHECKRID5B CHAR 5 0 Blank if the table or partition is not in a check pending status
ENCODING_SCHEME CHAR 1 0 Encoding scheme for tables
TABLESTATUS VARCHAR 30 0 Indicates the reason for an incomplete table definition