Complete the values listed in the Secondary Options window for the Create Format Selector job as shown below:
To better manage file names with format selector, KURFMT is available. Variables KURFMT-FILTYPE, KURFMT-FILNAME and KURFMT-FILVER contain characteristics of the file when using Format Selector.
The following is an example of a Format Selector program using KURFMT:
… COPY KURFMTW. ***************************************************************** LINKAGE SECTION. ***************************************************************** * INPUT M50373*01 LK-RECORD PIC X(16000). M50373 01 LK-RECORD PIC X(32760). * OUTPUT 01 LK-FORMAT PIC X(0010). ***************************************************************** PROCEDURE DIVISION USING LK-RECORD LK-FORMAT. ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** * SET KURFMT-OP-READ TO TRUE. CALL "KURFMT" USING KURFMT-AREA. DISPLAY KURFMT-FILNAME