Data Express 4.0 introduces the ability to mask and subset ODBC-enabled data stores. This new functionality basically mimics
the same approach in methodology and functionality provided with the Oracle Extension Technology in previous version of Data
ODBC-enabled data stores are supported on both the z/OS and distributed platforms in the same way.
Note: The Oracle Extension workflow is the same as the ODBC Extension workflow with one exception: the input of multiple data stores
for Data Masking and Data Subset Extraction is not supported.
Usernames and passwords are case sensitive and null passwords are allowed when connecting to a database.
The work-flow process for ODBC-enabled data stores looks like this:
- Data Inventory Phase (Data Builder)
- Load from Database (Distributed Loader)
- Load from File (Distributed Loader)
- Data Classification Phase (Data Builder)
- Manual Association
- Import Classification from Referential Integrity
- Import Classification from Data Dictionary
- Import Classification from Sampling Results
- Limited Life Cycle Support
- Skip, Overwrite, Update (Distributed Loader)
- Data Analysis
- Data Masking Phase (Data Masking)
- Metadata preparation
- Export masking information (Distributed Exporter)
- Actual masking (Extension Technology)
- Data Subsetting Phase (Data Subset Extraction)
- Method preparation
- Create Referential Integrity methods
- Export method information (Distributed Exporter)
- Actual subsetting (Extension Technology )
- Distributed Statistics Loader to enable run-time statistics