If you do not install an option or a sub-option, you can add it later by using Micro Focus Data Express 4.0 and clicking Change.
and selectingTo uninstall the product, you need to be logged in with the same user-ID as you used when you installed it.
To uninstall the product, you cannot simply delete its files from your hard disk. Instead, you uninstall by using Show Updates (at the top of the Add or Remove Programs dialog) is checked, so that any hot fixes or WrapPacks are listed.
, on most Windows systems. You might need to ensure thatWhen you uninstall, the only files deleted are those that the installation software installed. If your Data Express directory has not been removed, delete any unwanted files and subdirectories within it using Windows Explorer.
If any product files, registry settings or shortcuts are accidentally removed at any point, you can perform a Repair on the installation to replace them. To do this, use
and follow the instructions on the screen.