Data Express version 4.0 WrapPack 22 includes the following new features:
- his version of
Data Express is compatible with Red Hat 7.2, and supports the Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system.
- The Define Reload Rules feature has been added to enable management of reload JCLs for z/OS DB2 tables that are managed with
direct access. Once defined, you can use a reload rule to create reload jobs.
- The Work with Routines feature has been added to enable consultation and data entry (insert, edit, and delete) operations
on masking and subsetting routines, allowing you to document the masking and subsetting routine used in the project.
- This version of
Data Express for z/OS supports masking and subsetting of XML data stored in XML or LOB/BLOB/CLOB columns of z/OS DB2 tables.