The advanced string attribute operations can be set when you execute Code Search and when you have defined a search filter.
Note: The operations are available only for string objects.
You can execute a Code Search using different criteria. When you set a condition to search string attributes, you can specify
the following operations:
- Like / Not Like
- Performs a wildcard (mask) match where
? (question mark) represents any single character and
* (asterisk) represents any character sequence.
- Select
Name from the Name list, then select
Like from the Operations drop-down list, and then write
* DAY in the values field. The new criterion returns all names ending with "DAY".
- If the search criterion is:
"Name" like "???DAY", the search finds all 6 character long names ending with "DAY".
- Regular Expression
- Performs regular expression matching. This function uses syntax specific to the RDBMS (for further information see
Regular expression support for
Example (Oracle only): "Name" matches "^Ste(v|ph)en", will match names which begin with "Ste" and end with "en" with either
"v" or "ph" in between, so both "Steven" and "Stephen" will be selected.
- Length is Less than / Length is Greater than
- Compares attribute value lengths.
Example: "Name" length is "6", finds all 6 character long names.
- Match other attribute value/ Do not match other attribute value
- Compares two attribute values.
Example: "Name" matches attribute "JobName", finds all names matching the "JobName" as well.
- Contain other attribute value/ Do not contain other attribute value
- Checks if an attribute value contains another attribute value.
Example: "Name" contains attribute "JobName", finds all names which also contain "JobName" value.
- Partial Attribute match
- Partial Match compares part of an attribute value with another part of another attribute value.
Example: "Name" pos 10-12 matches pos 5-7 of "JobName", finds all names where the value from character position 10 to 12 matches
the "JobName" value from character position 5 to 7.