Support for IMS Aliases

The <IMSC> subtag in the <Auxiliary> section of Legacy.xml contains definitions for the standard CBLTDLI or PLITDLI programs. You can also use it to define aliases for non-standard IMS batch interfaces.

If the order of parameters in the alias program is the same as the order of parameters in the standard program, simply enter the alias name in the <Detect> and <APIEntry> tags, as follows:

      <item> 'CBLTDLI' </item>
      <item> 'MYCBLTDLI' </item>
      <APIEntry name='IMS call'>
        <match stmt="CALL">
          <name value="CBLTDLI"/>
          <name value="MYCBLTDLI"/>

If the order of parameters in the alias program differs from the order in the standard program, you also need to specify a full API entry, using the:

Use the definitions for CBLTDLI or PLITDLI as examples.

Attributes of <ims-call> are:

Note: Alternative parameter order is allowed only for the params-num, function-code, and pcb parameters. All other parameters (io-area and ssa) must appear in the same order as they do in the standard IMS call, at the end of the parameter list.