When you verify a legacy application, the parser generates a model of the application that describes the objects in the application
and how they interact. If a Cobol source file contains a COPY statement, for example, the system creates a relationship between
the file and the Cobol copybook referenced by the statement. If the copybook doesn’t exist in the repository, the system flags
it as missing by listing it with a
symbol in the tree view of the Repository Browser.
Reference Reports let you track these kinds of referential dependencies in verified source:
- An Unresolved Report identifies missing application elements.
- An Unreferred Report identifies unreferenced application elements.
- A Cross-reference Report identifies all application references.
- An External Reference Report identifies references in object-oriented applications to external files that are not registered
in the workspace, such as .java, Java Archive (JAR), or C++ include files (assuming you have identified the locations of these
files in the Workspace Verification options window for the source files). These references are not reported as unresolved
in the Unresolved Report.
Tip: The Missing Files report in the Verification Report tool is a convenient alternative to an Unresolved Report when you are
interested only in missing source files, and not in unresolved objects like system programs.