Linked Element Types for the MVS Function Package

MVS Resource

The MVS function package contains one linked element type, called MVS Resource. Both MVS data set and MVS data set member element types can be defined using this linked element type.

Definition of Linked MVS Resource Element Types

Linked MVS Resource element types must be set up in the following way:

Attribute Description
ID Definition The ID definition of linked MVS element types must contain exactly one key property, which must be the “Resource Identifier” value returned by Get Data Sets and Get Members tool types.
Matchname Match name provided by a tool type to identify the type of the MVS resource. See Get Data Sets and Get Members for more information on possible match names.

Linked MVS elements provide the following functions:

Drag & Drop Support
Linked MVS elements can be dragged onto other resources and vice versa, allowing the transfer of data from or to the associated remote system. Drag and drop is supported between the following locations:
  • Within AWM element views, such as Tree Views and Table Views.
    • For example, dragging MVS data set members into an Eclipse linked resource, such as a COBOL project.
  • Between AWM element views and locations on the operating system.
    • For example, dragging files from the desktop into a PO data set.
  • Between AWM element views and COBOL Explorer, PL/I Explorer, Project Explorer or Navigator view.
  • Between AWM element views into Remote System view.
    Note: Due to technical limitations of the RSE framework, it is not possible to drag resources from the RSE view into linked MVS resources.
Note: Only “copy” drag & drop operations are supported for MVS resources. If files are to be moved (not copied) between locations, you must delete them manually from the source location.
Copy/Paste Support
Copy and paste actions can be provided on linked MVS resources using the MVS function package tools “Copy MVS File to Clipboard” and “Paste MVS File from Clipboard”. See Copy MVS File into Clipboard/Paste MVS File from Clipboard for more information.
Dynamic Icons
Icons of linked MVS resources are dynamically set to have the same look as in the MVS Explorer, Remote Systems view.
Note: IDz Restriction - When MVS linked elements are created under IBM Developer for z Systems (IDz) with an IDz RSED server connection, dynamic icons only appear if the MVS files have been retrieved from the server. If an MVS linked element is created with a non MVS function package tool or loaded from cache, a generic icon is shown. Icons of cached linked MVS elements can be updated by refreshing the corresponding element lists.

You can avoid displaying generic icons by setting static element icons in the model.