Dialog Tables

AWM enables you to define dialog boxes that contain tables. The table columns, content, and actions are described by structured file descriptors. The file descriptors must be modelled as file input parameters to enable them to be displayed as a table in a dialog box.

Sample Table Dialog

By default, you can only select a single table row in order to proceed with the action. The selected row’s properties are added to the previous tool's execution context which can be used by subsequent tools in the action. You can customize its behavior by using the following model attributes:

Attribute/Relationship Description
Input Parameter: UI Editable Specifies whether the selected table rows have an effect on the action/context. When false, the table is disabled and is greyed out.

Default value: true

Input Parameter: UI Mandatory Specifies whether at least one row must be selected/checked by the user.

Default value: true

Only relevant if UI Editable is set to true.

Input Parameter: UI Multi Selection Specifies whether multiple rows can be checked by a user, creating a mass processing context. See Input Dialog Mass Processing for more information. If true, the table row's check box must be clicked to select the row. Only selecting table rows no longer has an effect.

Default value: false

Only relevant if UI Editable is set to true.

File Descriptor has Action Action descriptors added to file descriptors enable actions to be executed on a dialog table's rows. Executed actions can modify table rows using resource operations. See Tool Descriptor for more information. Actions can be applied to one or more rows depending on the selection count of the enabled or visible condition (default *).
Note: If a modelled action enables you to select and process multiple rows, only the first row selected is passed to the execution context to be processed by the following tools once OK is clicked.