1. Choose Debug > Start Debugging.
    Depending on how you have configured the TN3270 Debugging section, one of the following occurs:
    • If Enable Debugging is checked, your preferred TN3270 emulator is displayed.
      Note: If the embedded Rumba window is your preferred choice but is not displayed when debugging starts, click GUID-5BAA56BC-A0AF-4173-8CE7-D6C0CB602FFC-low.png on the debug toolbar to open it.
    • If Enable Debugging is not checked, you must open a TN3270 emulator and connect to the application manually.

    To configure the TN3270 Debugging section, click Debug > Options and Settings, then click COBOL in the Debugging section.

  2. From your 3270 emulator, run the ACCT transaction.
  3. Step through the application in the usual manner.
  4. To stop debugging, click Debug > Stop debugging.
  5. To stop the server, right-click ACCTCLNT in Server Explorer and click Stop.