Set Up the ESJCL Enterprise Server Region

Provides step-by-step instructions to create and configure a JES-enabled enterprise server region that runs JCL jobs.

Start the Enterprirse Server services

Ensure that the following two services are running on your machine:

  • Enterprise Server Common Administration (ESCWA) - execute the following from a terminal that has the COBOL environment to start this:
    nohup escwa < /dev/null > escwa.out 2>&1 &
  • Micro Focus Directory Server - from a terminal that has the COBOL environment set, execute the following as root to start this:
    mfds64 &

To confirm that the services are running:

Create the ESJCL enterprise server region

Start the Server Explorer
The Server Explorer view is visible by default when using the Team Developer perspective, and appears as a tab on the same level as the Application Explorer view. However, if it is not visible:
  • In Eclipse, click Window > Show View > Other > Micro Focus > Server Explorer, and then click Open.
Attention: You might encounter an ESCWA Sign On dialog box as you perform the steps required to create, configure, start, or stop an enterprise server instance from the Server Explorer. If you do, ensure that the Server requires credentials, Use specific server credentials, or Server is secured , and the Store credentials boxes are unchecked, and then click OK. Also, if prompted to disable password recovery, click No.
Create the enterprise server region
  1. In the Server Explorer, expand Local [localhost:10086], right-click Default [], and click New > Enterprise Server.

    The New Enterprise Server dialog box appears.

  2. Type ESJCL into the Name field.
  3. Click the browse button next to the Template field, and browse to the location of the Enterprise Developer server templates, which is %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\etc\ServerTemplates by default.
  4. Select JCLTemplate.xml, and click Open.
  5. On the Associate with projects list, check JCLDEMO.
    Note: Until you associate the region with a project, the JES functionality within the region will not work properly.
  6. Click Finish.

    In the Server Explorer view, expand Local [localhost:10086] and Default [] to check to see that the server has been added. By using the template, the server already has the necessary options selected for MSS enablement.

Configure the enterprise server region

  1. In the Server Explorer, right-click Local [localhost:10086]; then click Open Administration Page.

    This opens the Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA) in a browser outside of the IDE.

  2. In ESCWA, click the Native tab in the toolbar.
  3. In the left-hand pane, expand Directory Servers and click Default to see the available servers.
  4. In the list of servers, in the row that contains ESJCL, click the Edit (Edit) button.

    This opens the General Properties page of the server's properties.

    It is useful to have the character-mode console daemon window showing when the JCLDEMO region is running.

  5. To set the console daemon to show when the region is running, check Show Local Console in this page.
  6. Scroll down to the Additional section.
  7. In the Configuration Information field type the following to create an environment variable for the path to the project directory - replace this with the exact location to the project on your machine:
  8. Click Apply.

Configure the Program Paths

You need to specify the directories and other details needed for the enterprise server to find deployed programs. To do this:

  1. From the JES > Configuration tab in the server details, enter the following values into the following fields. (The paths you enter here point to your project directories.)
    Field Value to enter: Details
    JES Program Path $IDE_LOADLIB The $IDE_LOADLIB variable resolves to the output directory of the project. This is the path for the directory containing executable files to be run by your JCL jobs. This is the output build path of your project that contains the .dll and .idy files - in this example, this is $JCLPROJ\New_Configuration.bin.
    System Catalog $JCLPROJ\catalog\catalog.dat Path and name of the system catalog. This is a file that holds the details of data files, their attributes and locations.
    Default Allocated Dataset Location $JCLPROJ\catalog\datasets The default path for the directory where new data sets are to be created if you do not specify a directory.
    System Procedure Library SYS1.PROCLIB Set of cataloged PDS data set names that will be searched to resolve JCL procedure names.
  2. Click Apply.

Define a batch initiator SEP

JCL execution uses the following types of Service Execution Processes (SEPs):

  • Batch initiator (often abbreviated to simply "initiator") — for running JCL jobs
  • Batch printer SEP (often abbreviated to simply "printer") — for sending the output from a JCL job to a printer

You can define initiators and printers to start up automatically whenever the enterprise server region is started, and you can also create ones that last only for the current session.

The JCL template that you used to create the ESJCL enterprise server region includes a default initiator named INITALL. You need to modify INITALL for your application.

To modify INITALL to be a class B initiator that starts automatically:

  1. In the Server Explorer, right-click Local [localhost:10086]; then click Open Administration Page.

    This opens the Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA) in a browser outside of the IDE.

  2. In ESCWA, in the navigation pane, click Directory Servers > Default.
  3. In the list of servers, in the row that contains ESJCL, click the Edit (Edit) button.

    This opens the General Properties page of the server's properties.

  4. Click the JES tab in the taskbar at the top of the properties pane to access the JES Configuration settings.
  5. In the Initiators section, click the Edit (Edit) button for the INITALL initiator and change it as follows:
    Field Value Comment
    Name INITB Not case sensitive – gets folded to upper case
    Class B Not case sensitive – gets folded to upper case
    Description Initiator for class B job  
  6. Click Apply in the JES Configuration window.
  7. Click Default under Directory Servers in the left-hand pane of the browser to return to the list of servers.