Sets watchpoints on specified variables.
Command Syntax
WATCH variable
- Specifies the variable to be watched
- Is the value you assign to the skip counter
- Specifies a set of one or more CodeWatch commands separated by semicolons
- Can be any expression that may occur in the source language program, including references to simple as well as aggregate (such
as array, record, and structure elements) type variables, returning a boolean value
- The Watch variable cannot be a NONCONNECTED array reference.
- The Watch variable cannot be a multi-dimensional array with array slices.
- If the Watch variable is BASED, and its memory was allocated via ALLOCATE and subsequently freed via FREE, the watchpoint
must be manually removed via the NWATCH command (cwcmd); otherwise, CodeWatch will continue to monitor the freed memory location.
Watchpoints are used to monitor any changes to data. The WATCH command designates the given variable to be watched. When the contents of the watched variable change, program execution stops and control is returned to the debugger.