This procedure requires an interactive session on the system where you can disable the default
Enterprise Server security configuration, set up with the
Enterprise Server environment. On Windows, you will need permission to stop and start services. On UNIX, you will need permission to alter
files such as
commonwebadmin.json in the product configuration area.
Beginning with release 10.0,
Enterprise Developer and
Enterprise Server are installed with security enabled, using a basic default security configuration. If you want to use a different security
configuration, or want to disable security entirely, follow this procedure to disable the default security configuration.
Note: Micro Focus does not recommend running
Enterprise Developer without security enabled. See
Why does Enterprise Server have a default security configuration? for more information.
Run the command
DisableESDefaultSecurity.cmd (Windows) or (UNIX).
You will see a series of messages as the script disables default security.
Restart MFDS and
ESCWA to pick up the configuration changes.
You will now be able to use
ESCWA without having to log in.
Restart any running
enterprise server region to have them pick up the configuration changes.
Regions will no longer require credentials for starting/stopping and other actions.
Micro Focus DisableESDefaultSecurity utility: Version 1.0.0
MFDS is using ES Default Security, attempting to disable.
MFDS mfdsacfg.xml backup file created C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\20240307164321_mfdsacfg.xml
MFDS esm.dat backup file created C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\MFDS\20240307164321_des_esm.dat
MFDS is no longer using ES Default Security.
ESCWA is using ES Default Security, attempting to disable.
ESCWA commonwedadmin.json backup file created C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\ESCWA\20240307164321_commonwebadmin.json
ESCWA is no longer using ES Default Security.
Backed up secret "microfocus\temp\admin" to "microfocus\temp\admin.disabled"
Backed up secret "microfocus\common\readonly" to "microfocus\common\readonly.disabled"