Upgrading to Enterprise Developer

This guide provides information on upgrading applications from earlier Micro Focus mainframe development environments to Enterprise Developer for Eclipse. It highlights the differences between the old and new products, and offers solutions on how to keep your application working in the same way as before. The guide also introduces the new concepts and features of the Integrated Development Environment.

Note: This documentation uses the name Enterprise Developer to refer to Enterprise Developer for Eclipse. The full product name is used only when it is necessary to differentiate between products.

Benefits of Upgrading

You get a number of important benefits by upgrading to Enterprise Developer from earlier Micro Focus COBOL development systems or other COBOL systems.

Enterprise Developer uses a proven industry Integrated Development Environment that supports thousands of clients for developing and deploying critical business applications. Enterprise Developer enables unified, collaborative, and cost-effective development through rich, industry-standard tooling and at the same time it helps minimize skills shortages, expands market reach and accelerates time-to-delivery to meet today’s agile business requirements.