Converting a PKCS#12 Certificate

The exported PKCS#12 file must be converted into separate root certificate, user certificate, and private key files.

Converting a Certificate

  1. Convert the RACF generated PKCS#12 file from base64 to binary. At an Enterprise Developer command prompt, type:
    openssl base64 -d -a -in <PKCS#12file> -out <PKCS#12file.bin>
    Note: Ignore the warning that the openssl config file can not be opened.
  2. Validate the output certificate to ensure that it is a valid PKCS#12 format. To perform the validation, type:
    openssl pkcs12 -in <PKCS#12file.bin> -noout
    The following message is displayed:
    Enter Import Password:
  3. Type the pass phrase of the certificate. This should have been provided by your system programmer. If the certificate is validated the following message is displayed:
    MAC verified OK
  4. To convert the verified PKCS#12 binary certificate to PEM format, type:
    openssl pkcs12 -in <PKCS#12file.bin> -out <PKCS#12file.pem>
    The following message is displayed:
    Enter Import Password:

    Type the pass phrase of the certificate used in the earlier steps.

    You are then prompted to type a new pass phrase for the PEM certificate:
    Enter PEM pass phrase:
    Note: Keep a note of the pass phrase used for the PEM certificate.
  5. The content of the PEM certificate must be split into three separate files. Open the PKCS#12 PEM file in a text editor and copy each section of the file into its own file:
    1. The first block is the root certificate, copy the text between and including the begin and end markers:
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

      Paste the copied text into a file and save the file with a name that clearly identifies it; for example, servername-root-cert.pem.

    2. The second block is the user certificate. Copy the text between and including the second begin and end markers.

      Paste the copied text into a file and save the file with a name that clearly identifies it; for example, servername-user-cert.pem.

    3. The third block is the private key. Copy the text between and including the third begin and end markers.

      Paste the copied text into a file and save the file with a name that clearly identifies it; for example, servername-user-key.pem.

  6. The private key file must be converted from PEM to DER format, at the Enterprise Developer command prompt, type:
    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in <servername-user-key.pem> -out <servername-user-key.der> -outform der
    You are then prompted to type a new pass phrase for the PEM certificate:
    Enter pass phrase for servername-user-key.pem:

    You can use a new pass phrase, or you could reuse the original pass phrase supplied with the PKCS#12 file.

    You now have the following three files:
    • servername-root-cert.pem
    • servername-user-cert.pem
    • servername-user-key.der