Set Up the PLIDEMO Enterprise Server Region

Provides instructions that guide you through the creation and configuration of the PLIDEMO enterprise server region.
Attention: You might encounter an ESCWA Sign On dialog box as you perform the steps required to create, configure, start, or stop an enterprise server region from the Server Explorer. If you do, ensure that the Server requires credentials, Use specific server credentials, or Server is secured , and the Store credentials boxes are unchecked, and then click OK. Also, if prompted to disable password recovery, click No.

Start the Server Explorer

The Server Explorer view is visible by default when using the Team Developer perspective, and appears as a tab on the same level as the Application Explorer view. However, if it is not visible:

  • In Eclipse, click Window > Show View > Other > Micro Focus > Server Explorer, and then click Open.

Start Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA)

  • From the Eclipse Server Explorer, right-click the Local [localhost:10086] node, and then select Open Administration Page from the context menu.

    ESCWA starts in your default browser.

Create the PLIDEMO enterprise server region

  1. In ESCWA, click Native.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Directory Servers > Default.
  3. Click * New.

    This opens the New Region dialog box.

  4. In the Name field, type PLIDEMO.
  5. In the Description field, type a meaningful description, such as JCL server for tutorial.
  6. Ensure that 64-Bit Working Mode is checked.
  7. Ensure that MSS Enabled is checked.
  8. Clear the Create TN3270 listener check box.
  9. Click Save.

    This adds the PLIDEMO region to the Directory Servers > Default list in the left pane.

Define the PLIJCLDEMO environment variable

  1. In the left pane, select the PLIDEMO region.

    The General Properties page is displayed.

  2. In the Configuration Information field, type the following:

    Where eclipse-workspace-path is the full path to your Eclipse workspace.

  3. Click Apply.

Enable and configure JES

  1. In the Region Features section of the General Properties page, check JES Enabled.
  2. Click Apply.

    This displays the JES menu option.

  3. Click JES.

    This displays the JES Configuration page.

  4. In the JES Program Path field, type $PLIJCLDEMO\PLIJCLbuild.bin.

    This directory contains the executable .dll files that are run by your JCL jobs.

  5. In the System Catalog field, type $PLIJCLDEMO\CATALOG.DAT.

    This is the path and name of the system catalog, which holds the details of data files, their attributes, and locations. If the catalog file does not exist, it is created with the name given when the JCL is submitted.

  6. In the Default Allocated Dataset Location field, type $PLIJCLDEMO.

    This is the default directory where new data sets are created.

  7. Click Apply.

Add the INIT1 initiator

Initiator (or batch initiator) is a Service Execution Process (SEP) for running JCL jobs. You can define initiators to start up automatically whenever the enterprise server is started, and you can also create ones that last only for the current session. The following specifies one initiator to start automatically using ESCWA:

  1. On the Jes Configuration page, click * New next to Initiators.

    This opens the JES Initiator dialog box.

  2. In the Name field, type INIT1.
  3. In the Class field, type abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.
  4. Optionally, in the Description field, type a description for the initiator.
  5. Click Save.