Diagnosing Issues with the OpenTelemetry Configuration

The log handler captures errors and warnings that arise from OpenTelemetry's C++ SDK as well as some application errors.

By default, logging is disabled. You can configure the behavior of OpenTelemetry logging using the MFOTL_DEBUGLOG environment variable:

set MFOTL_DEBUGLOG=<log_file_name>[;<log_level>]

You can use the following pseudo-variables for the construction of the log file name:

Specifies the basename of the executable invoked to start the current process.
Specifies the operating system identifier for the current process.

For example, the following redirects log and error messages to a file that include the process name and pid:

set MFOTL_DEBUGLOG=/tmp/$(APPNAME).mfotl_debuglog.$(PID).log

In order to redirect log and error messages to the console, set the MFOTL_DEBUGLOG environment variable to console. For example:

set MFOTL_DEBUGLOG=console

Optionally, you can specify the log level to use. It can be one of the following values:

All events are traced and produces the most verbose output.
All info, warning, and error events are traced.
All warning and error events are traced.
Note: This is the default value.
Only error events are traced.

To specify a different log level append ;<log-level> to the value of the MFOTL_DEBUGLOG_LEVEL environment variable, for example:

set MFOTL_DEBUGLOG=/tmp/$(APPNAME).mfotl_debuglog.$(PID).log;info


set MFOTL_DEBUGLOG=console;debug