The default location for storing new projects is the workspace you specified when you started Eclipse. If you wanted to change this, you could uncheck Use default location and specify a different location; however, you use the default location in this tutorial.
You need to create a program in your project to hold the PL/I source code:
The New PL/I Source File wizard is displayed.
This adds a template PL/I file to your project and opens it in the editor.
HelloPLIWorld: proc options (main); DCL SourceString CHAR(10); DCL testchar CHAR; DCL loop FIXED BIN(8); SourceString = "AAbbAAbbCC"; DO loop = 1 TO 10 BY 1; testchar = SUBSTR(SourceString, loop, 1); IF testchar = "A" THEN SUBSTR(SourceString, loop, 1) = "D"; END; PUT SKIP LIST(SourceString); loop = 1; DO WHILE (loop < 10) UNTIL (SUBSTR(SourceString, loop, 1) = "C"); SUBSTR(SourceString, loop, 1) = "Q"; loop = loop + 1; END; put skip list("Hello PL/I World!"); end HelloPLIWorld;
Eclipse automatically builds your project. The progress of the project build is displayed in the Console view.
This configuration uses HelloPLIWorld as the project to run and New_Configuration.bin\HelloPLIWorld.exe as the main program to run.