JCL and VSE Support (Known Issues)

JCL jobs:

The number of duplicate DD statements for a DD name is limited to 999 per job step.


  • When running Enterprise Server applications on HP Itanium in 32-bit mode, if you receive an error such as "CASCD1057S JES Initiator for Server ... abended by signal 00004", you need to set the environment value COBMAINSTACK to a value greater than 500000 to increase the default stack size.


  • An Error Opening DEF PATH message is generated when AIX is defined with an LRECL greater than the LRECL given for the original file. To resolve this issue, alter your code to use the same LRECL as the original file.

JCL utilities:

  • You cannot restart jobs that have been hard-killed, as they no longer possess the job information required for a restart.
  • If you have used the spool archiving utility, MVSSPLHK, to perform a FULL archive prior to Enterprise Developer 3.0 HF4, the archive may have failed to write records to the archive catalog. It may be missing the required information to display spool files, and a 'File not Found' error will be reported on the ESMAC page when clicking on a spool file entry. If that is the case, a utility to correct the errors, and insert the correct catalog records is available through your OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products engineer.

    Archive files created using Enterprise Developer 3.0 HF4 and later are working correctly.