The IDXFORMAT option specifies the format to use when creating or opening indexed files.


IDXFORMAT = integer


Value Meaning
0 Default format for the operating system (identical to 8)
3 Micro Focus default indexed file format
4 Optimized format for fast duplicate key handling
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
8 Large indexed file format
9 Indexed with single key, non-duplicate, key ordered records
10 Reserved
11 Mainframe print file format
12 Large indexed file format with separate index file
13 Reserved
14 Heap file
16 Extended ESDS
17 Vision
18 Microsoft SQL Server
19 Oracle
20 DB2
21 RM
22-255 Reserved


Default: 0


IDXFORMAT 16 is documentary only. Set IDXFORMAT 15, and then use the EXTENDEDESDS (and EXTENDEDXRBA) options in EXTFH.CFG to handle EXTENDEDESDS file types.

By default, IDXFORMATs 17-21 are unavailable under Enterprise Server. You must ensure the ACUFH and ESACUFH configuration options are both set to ON to use these formats.

You can set IDXFORMATs 17-21 under all tags in the configuration file except the [XFH-DEFAULT] tag.

In cases where the INTEROP and IDXFORMAT settings conflict, the INTEROP setting will override IDXFORMAT.

If you are using Fileshare, IDXFORMATs 17 and 21 do not provide transaction processing capabilities by default. You must configure it on a file-by-file basis using the Virtual File Handler option (/ap) when specifying the file in your database reference file. For example, when you access the following file through Fileshare, it is additionally re-directed to the ACUFH file handler, where transactional support can be provided:
Fs /d dbase.ref /f acufile1.dat /ap ACUFH

Rebuild will not take the setting of this configuration option into account when generating a new file. Refer to the Rebuild Options /t topic in the Reference section for further information.

You can also set the index format using the IDXFORMAT Compiler directive, which will override the setting specified in the file handler configuration file.