mfims generation supports several directives you can use on the command line to specify details of file generation. The following
is an alphabetical list of all
mfims generation directives.
BLANKVAL Specifies the character set to use when the XDFLD DBDGEN statement has its NULLVAL keyword set to BLANK.
CBEGCS Enables support of double-byte character sets (DBCS) by identifying DBCS or mixed data and attributes, and generating the
appropriate output control block files such as .mid, .mod, .dif, .dof.
CLS Clears the screen before starting the utility.
CONTMVS Enables the compiler to parse MFS continuation lines (those continued without a terminating comma) by treating the line that
follows as a comment line, just as is done on the mainframe.
COPYEXT Specifies the copybook extension to be used when generating the complete copybook name for a DBD, MFS or PSB COPY statement.
DATACOMPRESS Specifies the type of data compression to be done on sequential and indexed files.
DEFAULTEXT Specifies the default file extension added to the input file name when no extension is specified.
ECHO Controls the interaction with the DBDGEN, MFSGEN and PSBGEN utilities.
EXCLUPDT Opens the output files for exclusive use by this instance of DBDGEN and no other task can read or update the DBDGEN files
until DBDGEN completes.
HEXFILL Enables you to retain the hexadecimal value of input characters when deploying an IMS EBCDIC application.
IMSLIBNO Specifies which IMS Load library directory in Workgroups is updated when multiple IMS Load Library directories are used.
KEYCOMPRESS Specifies the type of key compression to be done on indexed files.
LIST Controls the location and name of the detail listing file, which includes items such as source listings, completion status,
error messages and execution statistics.
MAP Runs the DBDMAP utility upon successful completion of DBDGEN.
NODCX Prevents the execution of data capture exit routines contained in DBD source.
SHRUPDT Opens the output files for sharing so other tasks can read and update these files while the DBDGEN utility is running.
SXRBAFORMAT For an IMS database that uses a system-generated /SX field to make a secondary index unique, this directive enables you to
control the size of system-generated /SX fields.
VERIFY Runs the PSB Verify utility upon successful completion of PSBGEN.