Process network endpoints enable communicate between and into the elements of Enterprise Server. If these network endpoints do not run in a loopback mode, then this leaves external communications to them exposed if TLS encryption is not enabled.
Micro Focus strongly recommends that any network endpoint, which does not require external communication for administrators or clients, should run in a loopback only mode.
Those endpoints that must require external communication must use TLS encryption.
If the ESCWA endpoint can run on loopback, use ESCWA to perform the following steps:
This opens the Enterprise Server Administration Configuration dialog box.
If the Directory Server process network endpoint must be external and not on loopback, see TLS Encryption for more information.
If the Directory Server endpoint can run on loopback, use ESCWA to perform the following steps:
This takes you to the Directory Server Configuration page.
If the Communications Process network endpoint must be external and not on loopback, see TLS Encryption for more information.
If the Communications Process endpoint can run on loopback, use ESCWA to perform the following steps:
This opens the Communications Server Properties page.
Next time the region is started, the network endpoint will be on loopback only.
If the Listener process network endpoint must be external and not on loopback, see TLS Encryption for more information.
If the Listener process endpoint runs on loopback, use ESCWA to perform the following steps:
This opens the Communications Server Properties page.
Next time the region is started, the network endpoint will be on loopback only.