Viewing the Copybook Graph

Note: This view is only available in Windows.

The Copybook Graph displays all copybooks associated with a COBOL program as a tree structure within a tab view in the IDE. To see the Copybook Graph for a file:

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click a COBOL file in your project.
  2. Click Show Copybook Graph.

    This opens the copybook graph for the file in the DGML editor that visualizes the copybook dependencies of the file.

  3. Hover over a copybook in the graph to preview the file. Alternatively, you can double-click the copybook to open the file in the editor.

Some of the features and operations that you can use in this view are:

Open in editor
Right-click a node in the graph and click View Content to view the file in the code editor.
Incoming Dependencies
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Incoming Dependencies. This highlights the files in the graph that are dependent on the selected item. An incoming dependency is a file that must be run in order to build the project successfully.
Outgoing Dependencies
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Outgoing Dependencies. This highlights the files in the graph that the selected item is dependent on in order to build and run successfully.
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Both. This highlights both incoming and outgoing dependencies.
Connected Subgraph
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Connected Subgraph.
Invert Selection
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Invert Selection to select all other items in the Copybook Graph.
Hide Selected
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Hide Selected to hide the item from view. Any items that are hidden are unaffected by subsequent actions, for example, selecting Outgoing Dependencies.
Hide Unselected
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Hide Unselected to hide all other items from view. Any items that are hidden are unaffected by subsequent actions, for example, selecting Outgoing Dependencies.
Unhide All
Right-click a node in the graph and click Select > Unhide All to show all items in the Copybook Graph.
Right-click anywhere in the Copybook Graph and click Edit > New Comment to add a comment into the Copybook Graph. This is colorized differently from the existing nodes to identify it as a comment. You can view the color by opening the legend.
Copy Image
Right-click anywhere in the Copybook Graph and click Edit > Copy Image to copy an image of the graph, for example, into a word document.
In the toolbar of the Copybook Graph view, click Layout to change the layout of nodes, display links between nodes, and modify other layout settings.
Click this to view a legend of the icons.

To change the color of a node, right-click the icon in the Legend and select from:

  • Background to change the background color
  • Stroke to change the border color
  • Foreground to change the text color
  • Icon to change the default icon in the node