Walks you through the steps required to open the provided
mqsdemo solution, build it, and submit the
mqonly JCL job to run the application.
Open the mqsdemo solution
- In Visual Studio, click
File >
Open >
- Browse to the
%PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\PLI-VS\MQSDEMO folder.
- Select the
mqsdemo.sln file, and then click
This loads the
mqsdemo solution into the
Solution Explorer.
- In this provided PL/I solution, the
mqsdemo PL/I project is configured with the ENDIANNESS compiler option set to
-bigendian. This is required for compatibility with the MQ APIs because the MQ API return codes, lengths, etc. are in big-endian format.
- Comments in the
mqplidrv.pli file provide useful information on how MQ functions can be used from PL/I.
Build the mqsdemo solution
- In the
Solution Explorer, right-click the
mqsdemo solution, and select
Build Solution from the context menu.
- Check the
Output window to ensure that the solution builds without errors or warnings.
Submit the mqonly job
- In the
Solution Explorer, right-click the
mqonly.jcl job, and select
Submit JCL from the context menu.
- Output window, verify that all the RESULTS DDs for each step of the job execution say "TEST SUCCEEDED".
Note: Detailed execution log data is found in the corresponding LOGFILE DD for each step.